Experiencing difficulties in accessing an LZH file, or simply intrigued by its contents? Allow us to elucidate the nature of LZH files and provide solutions for opening or managing them.

What is an LZH file?

An LZH file, with various applications, is commonly associated with the term “LHARC/LZARK Compressed Archive.” LZH files are compressed archive files marked by the .LZH file extension. These archives are compressed using the Lempel-Ziv and Haruyasu compression algorithms, named after their inventors.

Primarily used for compressing batches of files or a single large file, the LZH format creates a compressed file archive. It’s noteworthy that the LZH format has become largely obsolete and has been replaced by more contemporary formats like ZIP and 7z.

How to open LZH files

For your convenience, we have identified seven LZH openers that are compatible with this specific type of LZH file.

Bitberry File Opener



