Whether you’re facing challenges opening a WBMP file or just curious about its contents, let’s explore the properties of these files and provide insights on how to open or handle WBMP files.

What is a WBMP file?

A .WBMP file is a Wireless Bitmap Image file. These files store bitmap images specifically in black and white. In the WBMP file format, monochrome images are represented as 1-bit pixels. The binary 1 represents white, and the binary 0 represents black. This format was commonly used for transmitting images through wireless SMS messaging devices, especially in the early days of mobile devices.

How to open WBMP files

To open WBMP files, consider the following methods:

1. Image Viewer or Editor:

 Windows Photo Viewer Microsoft Paint GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)

2. Web Browsers:

3. Graphics Conversion Software:

Various apps that use files with this extension

Apps known to open WBMP files include:
PhotoPad Image Editor
Media Gallery
Corel PaintShop Pro